Best Outdoor Brands for Different Types of Hiking Gear
If you’re buying outdoor gear, I’d love it if you’d consider using one of the links in this post. I get a small commission with no extra charge to you.
A lot of times, I’m a cheap retail store, generic brand buying type of gal, but when it comes to outdoor gear, I usually go brand name. Outdoor gear really needs to work. A hole in your cheap jean shorts is no big deal, a hole in your tent on a cold, rainy night is dangerous.
That being said, for me, price still plays in to some extent. For example, Helly Hansen makes drool worthy outdoor level jackets, but Columbia & Northface are more affordable and great quality choices for my non-professional purposes.
There are some brands I’m particularly partial to for certain hiking items. I’m sharing them here so my sister is sick of hearing about my first aid kit, and to help you out if you’re looking for gear.
If you’re not sure what you need, check out these posts:
10 Essentials for Day Hikes and WHY You Need Them
Women’s Guide: What to Wear on Day Hikes
If you’re looking for new hikes to explore, check out the Sort of Legal Hiking articles, or a Lonely Planet hiking guide.
My Favorite Brands for Different Types of Hiking Gear
Day Pack: CamelBak
Shop at CamelBak | Shop on Moosejaw

Backpacking Backpack: Osprey
Shop on Moosejaw | Shop on Amazon

Winter Jacket: Columbia
Shop at Columbia | Shop at Moosejaw

Puffer Vest/Jacket: Patagonia

Rain Jacket: NorthFace
Shop on Moosejaw | Shop on Amazon

Fleece: NorthFace
Shop on Moosejaw | Shop on Amazon

Sunglasses: GoodR
Bug Repellant: Ben’s

Headlamp: Petzl
Shop on Moosejaw | Shop on Amazon

First Aid Kit: Adventure Medical Kits
Shop on Moosejaw | Shop on Amazon

Long Day Fuel: HoneyStinger Waffles
Indulgent Snack: Sour Patch Kids
Socks: Smartwool
Shop on Moosejaw | Shop on Amazon

Trail Running Shoes: Brooks*
*I will likely try Salomon’s for trail running and hiking soon because people are raving.
Trail Hiking Shoes: Keen
Shop on Moosejaw | Shop on Amazon

Added Traction: YakTrax
Shop on Moosejaw | Shop on Amazon

Where to Buy Hiking Gear
If you’re buying multiple items, outdoor brand retailers like Moosejaw, are a great way to get it without having to make a bunch of purchases from different places.
Haven’t heard of Moosejaw before? You will. They offer great deals on outdoor gear and the funniest emails I’ve gotten from a retailer. When Moosejaw becomes a household name, remember, you heard it here first. 😉
Amazon has a lot of brand name outdoor gear too, just be sure to run a quick price comparison before hitting buy. Outdoor gear is one area where I sometimes (not always) find Amazon is more expensive than an online retailer.
More Items and Brands
The above is not a comprehensive list of hiking gear, outdoor brands, or even brands that I use and wear. I only listed items where I really love a particular brand for a particular item.
If you have a favorite brand for certain gear, please feel free to drop it in the comments below, even if it’s different than what I have above. There are lots of awesome outdoor brands, and sometimes, it comes down to a matter of preference.
I’m personally looking for a good set of gloves for colder hikes so am particularly interested in recommendations for that.