The Great American Beer Festival: A Bucket List Item I Didn’t Know Existed
The day before I was flying into Colorado Springs, a (rather good looking) friend who was going to meet me there floated an alternative idea. What if I came to Denver and attended the Great American Beer Festival (“GABF”). I hadn’t heard of it but I love a good fancy beer, sometimes referred to as a “craft” beer, and I was intrigued. When he graciously offered to pick me up from Colorado Springs, I was sold!!! Denver (swoon), good beer, and good company!
The festival’s name does not lie, it was indeed GREAT. I did not take a lot of photos because well, it was that great. And as much as I like taking photos, sometimes it’s nice to just focus on enjoying an experience especially when you are with someone else. #dontberude
The festival is like a large trade show, but all the booths have beer, that you can sample. ALL OF THEM. ALL WITH ONE TICKET. The breweries where divided by region with a few breweries in more premium spots towards the middle. Each brewery had about three beers you could choose from to sample and a bucket to dump the leftovers of that Saison you hated. Speaking of saisons, they’re still not my favorite, but if GABF is any indication they are trending, as are sours.
San Diego was well represented and I had to work to control my excitement at every San Diego brewery stand passed (and there were a lot). “The tasting room is just down the street! I walk there!” “This is my favorite San Diego brewery!” “The best Blood Orange IPA.” I also had to refrain from drinking every San Diego beer to be able to try beer from places I wouldn’t otherwise have access to and avoid being drunk within 15 minutes. I succeeded at both, made it at least 20 minutes before feeling the buzzzzzzz.
In short: FUN! Now, that being said. I don’t understand how anyone can attend multiple days or even both sessions in one day. Prudent people bought or brought pretzel necklaces or brought their own. I assume it helps cleanse the pallet and keep a little something other than beer in the body. However, “Kevin” offers a humorous alternate explanation here.
If you’re in Colorado around the time of the festival and like beer, GO! In fact, if you like beer, you should ensure that you just happen to be in Denver at the time of the festival.
For the details and dates: https://www.greatamericanbeerfestival.com
Trip: Denver, Colorado, October 2017.