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]I love taking photos on my travels…and really anytime.  I enjoy trying to capture a moment in an image or evoke a certain feeling.  Yet, I realized that I don’t have nearly as many photos on my blog as I’d like, in part, because it can be time consuming and a little clunky to get them up in this format.  

So, I’ve started a Smug Mug account focused on photographs, feel free to check them out at  My Instagram is also a good way to catch some recent photos (@eclecticadventures).

The gallery is a work in progress.  I envision having a few galleries highlighting certain types of photography, some series, and then larger galleries where you can flip through photos from particular trips.

I’ve uploaded thousands (literally) of photos and am in the process of sorting them.  If you’re interested in a photo shoot, shoot me an e-mail at:  I’m in the San Diego area the bulk of the year with frequent visits to Northeast Florida and Nashville, Tennessee.

I shoot with this Canon DSLR and a few different lenses:

And yes, I realize the irony of having a photography page with no photos but my day job is calling and I must go! I’ll be back to update with some photos.