Lessons & Favorites from Week 1 On the Road
Lessons and Favorites from Week 1 (1/1/16 – 1/7/16)
Week One was about a mix of feeling euphoric and free from giving up my apartment and not having a real plan and feeling completely insecure because I was without a home base or plan. It was about being the serendipitous events that can occur when you don’t over-plan and are open to where the path leads you. It was also a lesson in safety first and trusting your instincts.
Cities I Stayed In: Aguanga, CA; Scottsdale, AZ; Arcosanti, AZ; Tempe, AZ; and Leucadia, AZ.
Things I Learned:
- When you don’t know the area, try to arrive during the daytime if you can to check it out and decide on lodging. It’s harder to evaluate lodging at night or find new lodging if you need to.
- Two nights are better than one. In most cases. Staying in a different place every night can be stressful, you never feel settled and having to relocate cuts into the day and limits your work or play time.
- California is diverse!!! I saw drove through a forest with snow on the ground and a desert in the same day.
- The difference between an West Coast IPA and an English IPA. I cant describe it to you in words, but I can taste it.
- I have a tolerance for risk but it is not without its limits.
- My favorite creature comforts are heat and WIFI. One of the AirBnBs I stayed in was miserably cold. I slept in my jacket and two layers of pants. I slept poorly and woke up not thrilled.
- Beer preferences is a great conversation starter.
- Go to bed. Many nights I would start to think “Wtf, am I doing?” but woke up thinking “This is wonderful! Freedom!”
Items in My Car:
- Most Useful: Back full of snacks including peanut butter packets which are great for breakfast with fruit or when you’re hungry but don’t want to stop until you reach your destination. Top snack – Justin’s Peanut Butter Packets. They are good for breakfast with a banana or apple and fill you up for a bit if you don’t feel like stopping (or are in the middle of nowhere and have no stopping options)
Snacking in Cleveland National Forest
- Least Useful: Surfboard. I ended up in AZ for the bulk of week one. It is not known for its beaches.
Surfboard in Arizona, Tres Practical.
- Causing Self-Criticism: Giveaway items that I haven’t dropped of yet. I moved out in a rush and have since made two Goodwill trips but the people were in a rush so I felt rushed and only offloaded a few items at each stop.
Week One Favorites:
- City: Scottsdale. Clean, safe, beer. Have I told you about the Scottsdale Public Library….?
- Podcast: The Time Ferris Show (Podcast) – Live Episodes and End of Year Episode. Specifically: (1) #209 – The Random Show Threesome; (2) #212 – 2016 What I’ve Learned; and (3) #210 Becoming the Best Version of You
- Radio (and its on Podcast): This American Life #607 “Didn’t We Solve This One?”
- Brewery or Beer: Four Peaks Brewery. Had the perfect flight. Only made it to the one in Tempe but wanted to check out the others in the area. Phenomenally cool staff and really good beer and food for great prices.
Favorite Moment: Realizing I can now count WEEKS not just DAYS on living without a home.